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Sub Rosa: Hell
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Gundam Wing

Sub Rosa

Chapter Six: Hell

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine. Duh.

Warning: Cursing, of course. Angst, and little plotline development. A teeny bit – like a hundred words or so – shorter than usual, but still over 3000 words. So there.

I swear, there's action in the next chapter. I swear it.

As expected, we made it to L2 without another incident. I took the emergency landing pad to throw off pursuit long enough to get ready to fight back.

The armpower of the men we met once we left the ship was... impressive. Fairly devastating, actually. Have you ever played those games, those Medal of Honor games? You know the weapons in those? The pistol, the sub-machine, the grenades, and every once in a while you'd find this extremely sweet machine gun that you'd use to blast the fuck out of everybody? Yeah – all of that.

The three of us managed to escape injury... but my Demon's Wing didn't.

“Goddamn motherfucking cocksucking sons of fucking bitches-”

My string of curses was interrupted only long enough for me to sign the mechanic's papers. It would take approximately three days for my baby to be fixed.

We'd be delayed, vulnerable, and open. Worse, we'd be delayed, vulnerable, and open on L2. We may not be able to use Wing anymore at all... we may be stuck on this damn colony for a week or more as we try to elude Harlow's men.

And my Wing, the first thing that had ever been ruly, solely mine – bought by me, for me – was damaged. And may be abandoned.

“Maxwell, though I thank you for once again widening my knowledge of the vast English language, could you please shut the hell up?”

I glared death at Wufei and stomped ahead of them. “I'm going to get the weapons. Occupy yourselves.”

“We're going with you,” Heero told me. I wondered if there was a brick wall somewhere that I could bang my head against. It would save me some time.

“You're cops. Fancy cops, but cops. You would arrest him.”

Heero opened his mouth, then closed it and looked at Wufei.

Why did it hurt to see him side with Wufei? And what was this disturbing thought – that Heero and Wufei could be...

I turned away from them. “Contemplate... I dunno... the ability of pigs adapting to nature enough to learn to fly.” 'Cause that's when my dreams will come true.

I got an irritated snort from what I suspected was Wufei. “That's hardly a topic we'll disagree on, Maxwell.”

I must be disgustingly sensitive, because hearing that hurt. Like it was them against me. I have an inferiority complex or something. Or I'm a martyr. Maybe I was just an idiot.

“You choose something you will disagree on, Wufei.”

Joe, my contact, was useful, as always. He agreed to bring my purchases to Wing, as long as I kept the place clear. He was a deliveryman, not a fighter. Or at least so I quote.

The man was so easy to get along with. Even though he thought I was Chase Karmen, a small-time bounty hunter, he was cool with me. Even though I'd been the one to bust him.

He and I should squabble like two-year-olds, but instead he and I have a sort of camaraderie. Why couldn't it be like that with Heero and Wufei?

Well, I couldn't put all the blame at their feet. I was always the opposite of what they thought I should be. They expected an obvious soldier and instead got a jokester. A veritable idiot. How could I explain to them that idiots are never considered a threat? Wasn't their reaction proof enough? Even though they knew who I was and what I should be able to do, they never thought I could do anything – that I posed more of a threat to my allies than my enemies.

And afterwards, I hadn't been able to get rid of the Jester quickly enough. If I had, would thing be different? Would I have been a part of their conversation, making witty insults that made them laugh? Would I be lighting that humor in their eyes?

What ifs were useless. This was how things were. I couldn't change it, no matter how much I wished I could. I would always be different.

But trying to change my thoughts brought up the thought of Heero's and Wufei's relationship. I had thought that they were comrades, partners. Were they lovers, too?

I touched my chest briefly; the thought hurt. But I had to admit – they'd probably make a good couple. Both were smart, ambitious. Most certainly good-looking, obsessed with justice. With doing the right thing. And they seemed to almost understand one another's thoughts... except for that one fight. The one they seemed to put behind them.

But maybe that was why Wufei's name had been the first on Heero's lips and not his own. He thought of himself as too taken to even by considered, but Wufei... Wufei was the man he loved, so of course Wufei's name was the first on his mind.

Or maybe I was creating an elaborate excuse for him and for himself.

Yeah. Definitely the latter.

Heero and Wufei, when I returned, were speaking with Lady – I mean Commander – Une on my comm. link. I stowed the new provisions I'd brought to ensure Joe's safe journey here. I listened as they finished their report.

“Has Strike returned?” Commander Une asked.

I went to stand beside them. “Howdy, ma'am.” I smirked at the disgruntled, halfway-warning note that left Wufei's mouth. “How may I be of assistance to Your Ladyship?”

“Report, Strike,” she answered dryly.

“Aye aye, mon capiton.” I saluted and gave her my own report. I'll spare the world a re-run.

When I finished, she nodded. “I'll send over false ships. Hang low for a week or so. I'll contact you when we're ready.” She signed off.

“Yee-hah,” I muttered. A week in my own little version of hell. I couldn't wait.

“We need to find a place to stay, away from your ship, Maxwell.” Wufei turned to me.

“No shit?” I answered, then keyed in a password – Namida0408. A small cache opened, revealing a thick wad of bills. I snatched them and the pistol hidden underneath. “Just let me lock up my new little goodies. “After that was completed, I turned be best to go to those least occupied.”

“And where would those be?” Wufei asked.

A place I'd sworn I'd never return to. “Follow me.”


The neighborhood looked different, but mostly because I was taller and had other perspectives to look through. This part of L2 hadn't seen the extra money given to the colonies.

Wufei whistled, low and long. “This place is a mess.” He smirked. “Any friends of yours here, Maxwell?”

“No,” I answered testily. “They're all dead.”

That served to shut him up.

Heero was silent, but he was watching me carefully. I couldn't spare him a moment. I was amazed at how the place was – practically the exact same, after a second look. I recognized the old hiding places, many of which I'd never be able to fit in now, despite my more wiry frame. They brought with them memories, memories I didn't know if I could handle.

I immediately recognized the by-the-hour motel that johns took their hits to, as well – anyone from age six to sixteen, male and female both. I'd seen the results of most of those encounters. I remembered the blood, pain, and pleas. All too well.

“Here,” I said tersely. There were worse places to sleep, I supposed. And no one would be there during the day.

“This place?” There was disgusted outrage in Wufei's voice.

“Just don't touch anything,” I advised, going to the door.

“Disgusting,” Wufei muttered. Heero, I saw, nudged him hard. I turned away from Wufei's suddenly understanding gasp.

I paid for the rest of the day and stalked up the stairs. “Here – two rooms – he'd get even more suspicious if we bought three. This place isn't one commonly used by day, anyway. We stick out enough.” I showed them their room. “Just remember – don't touch anything. And I don't advise sitting on anything.”

“Duo.” Heero stopped my little lecture. It was hard to look him in the eye, knowing that his penetrating gaze would be burrowing into my soul. It made my own gaze guarded. “Duo... this is where you... grew up, isn't it?”

Well, for a question, it was certainly a stupid one. But that didn't stop my stomach from clenching. “Yes.” I turned and went to my room.


We left a half-hour later (Wufei a tangled mess of pissed-off that most likely led the owner to think he was disappointed with his session) to search the area. I highly doubted that there would be anything incriminating, but it would be intelligent to search, anyway.

Heero and Wufei argued about the possible ramifications of breathing for a sustained period of time in those rooms, most likely to get my mind off my surroundings. Heero, after all, had started the argument after watching me mope for a full ten minutes.

It still amazed me how... nice... Heero had turned out. I guess that 'follow your emotions' thing really helped him out. Huh.

I, on the other hand, remained silent. They weren't attracting too much attention – I'd had them change out of their uniforms yesterday, and they'd brought plenty of spare clothes in their bags. A bit fancy, but not that expensive. They were like two pimps, and no one would really think to fuck with them except another pimp, who most likely won't be awake for another couple of hours. Night ruled here.

But I looked like one of their hookers, maybe either Heero's or Wufei's personal plaything. With my long hair and big eyes, that's pretty much all I'd ever be here, despite having never sold myself. I'd been luckier than most – a forced blowjob, quickly remedied when Solo came up behind the perp and gutted him.

Not many had been so lucky.

This place was ruled by guys like Heero and Wufei. I couldn't help but notice that. Even the way they walked spoke of power – panthers and cougars and jaguars. Hilde once told me that I had grace, too – just more like a gazelle, or at best cheetah. No one ever considered me one of the strongest, though they sometimes thought that I could hold my own.

In this place, I was more gazelle. I was a prime hooker.

And that, along with the area, made me nervous. If a pimp woke up and saw me, he could very well try to start a fight with either Heero or Wufei or both to try to take me. And though they could take that pimp down easily, there would be more. Not only would our cover be blown, but we'd have even more enemies. And though Heero and Wufei could probably handle honorable fights – these guys fought dirty. They'd shoot you up on crack before letting you beat them.

My eyes followed every movement, every flutter of the breeze. A part of me was amazed at how quickly I fell back into life on the streets. How quickly I fell back into what I'd been before. There was more to fear than pimps. Everyone knew that the cops never bothered to enter this place.


I realized their argument was over and turned to Heero. “Yeah?”

“Is something wrong?”

I took another quick look around. “No. Why?”

“Why?” Wufei snorted. “You're tense as a bow, that's why.”

I shrugged. “No big deal. I'll feel better once we're out of the open.”

“The open?” Wufei repeated. “There aren't any snipers here, Maxwell.”

“I'm not just talking about Harlow's men.” Sometimes it truly shocked me how little these guys knew about the other side of society. At the very least Heero should have an idea.

I sensed movement to my left and stopped. A small streak came up behind me, quick as a bird. I grabbed the small hand.

Immediately the started struggling. “Let me go!” The voice was young, but definitely male. His dark hair was matted and greasy, his clothes no more than rags. He fought like a hell-cat, scratching the hell out of my arm.

Wufei gasped. “A child?”

“Hold still, brat,” I snapped, deftly grabbing his other wrist and braceleting them. I had to admire his spunk, considering what the three of us looked like. “I've got a job for you.”

The kid stilled. “What?”

“There should be a man looking for us soon. Take his wallet.”

“Why should I?” But the kid was interested.

“Because he's a cop.” I handed the kid twenty credits with my free hand.

“Are you criminals?”

“As much as you are, kid.”

The kid sniffed. I almost laughed at the sudden resemblance to Relena. I was sure she'd be less than thrilled with the comparison. “Fine. I'll take care of the pigs.”

“Cool.” I let go of him and dragged my two cop friends away before they could say something stupid.

“Pigs?” Wufei hissed, but my glare stopped him.

“Yes. Pigs. That kid would be arrested for trying to pick my pocket. Around here, justice is cheap.”

“We must take him – get him some help.”

I stared at Wufei in shock, surprised somehow that he'd say that. “Uh, Wufei? He probably has a gang to feed.”

Wufei turned shocked eyes to me. “You mean there are more children like that?”

I sighed. “Of course. We gang together to stay alive.”

I heard a shocked intake of breath from Heero and turned to him. He wasn't looking at the neighborhood, but rather at me. With wide eyes. I narrowed mine suspiciously. “What?”

But Heero just shook his head and looked away. I saw Wufei catch his eye and had a feeling there would be a secret discussion coming up.

Where the hell was a brick wall when you needed one?

Just then I recognized what street we were on and stopped cold. Shit. Shit! That was stupid – I had remembered each street I'd been walking on, every hiding place. Stores for food caught my eye. Movement.

But I'd blanked out where these streets led – I just felt like it would be safer to continue walking this way. Too caught up in the past just to realize how very far back in the past it was. Stupid. Stupid!

“I'm going back to the-” I started, but stopped when Heero put up his hand in the age-old 'quiet' signal.

“Look.” And he pointed-

-to the charred remains of the Maxwell Church.

It stood out, even among the wrecks of other buildings, not burned out but still dilapidated. It was twilight, so the remnants of the windows shone pink and purple and orange, almost like the stained-glass windows I had always that the church should have. Only a couple charred beams remained standing. I knew that nothing was left. I'd checked years ago.

“There's nothing left.” A part of me realized what I was doing – what my voice sounded like, how lax my body was. The rest didn't. Those remains meant so little to so many. And yet they meant everything to me. I'd found one small year of joy, only to lose it. Had I ever found it again? Sometimes it seemed like my joy, my ability to laugh, were stolen that night. I hadn't found them again, even after digging desperately through all that rubble.

“No, there – there are two men disappearing into the ground.”

But there had never been a basement...



I came to my senses in time to stop myself from walking like a zombie over to the ruins. Heero and Wufei were sharing concerned looks.

I turned away. “We'll check the area out at dawn.”

“Why should we wait?” Wufei asked.

I pointed to the people beginning to crowd the streets. “Because the world's waking up. It's dangerous to be out this late, and attacking now would only get civilians involved.”

Wufei looked over to the hookers and the druggies. “They are only-”

“Human,” I finished for him. “We're going to a different hotel. Quickly. We don't want them to know we're onto them.” How many times have I turned away from them, unable to take what they say or do?

No wonder they never understood me. They've never understood where I've been.

It was painfully obvious just how alone I really was.


We switched hotels for the night, none of us willing to dare the beds. Then they slept.

I say they slept not because I was on watch – though I was one third of the time – but because I couldn't sleep at all.

Why? For fear of the nightmares.

So trust me when I say no one bothered us for the night.

The dawn was a brilliant thing, made more so because of the problems with the space station. I was really starting to wonder what the hell all that money had actually been used for here. In any case, the blood-red beam of light served as a good excuse for me to “wake up.”

I shifted, then sat up. No theatrics necessary – Heero and Wufei would understand that I'd be alert immediately upon waking. Hilde, bless her, had never understood even that.

Heero and Wufei had been discussing something – that secret meeting something that I'd foretold, I'd bet. They both stopped and wished me good morning.

I, a fan of the night and extremely tired, grumbled nastily. I think I said something like, “who says?” but I can't really swear on it.

Heero smiled, but there was no laughter in his eyes. Wufei's face, too, seemed even more solemn than usual.

My brow furrowed – I knew for a fact that nothing had happened during the night. “What's wrong?” I asked them, but both refused to admit there was a problem with anything.

Fine. Let them get depressed alone. Rat bastards.

“Well, the good news is we'll be able to check out-” I had to stop myself quickly. “The site,” I finished hastily. “The other good news is we can eat before we do that.” I smiled brightly – I was starving. We hadn't eaten before heading in. It would have been stupid. Talk about lining yourself up to be attacked.

Both flicked glances at one another before turning back to me. I saw on their faces the need to talk about something I didn't want to talk about.

“Well,” I continued, clapping my hands and standing, “what do you say we-”


I hated how just his voice could make me stop everything and pay attention, even when I sincerely didn't want to. Maybe he'd practiced hypnotism or something over the past three years.

Unconsciously, I fell into those eyes. My heart, ever foolish, wished. And it hurt to wish. Gods, but it hurt to wish.

This wasn't right. Even if Wufei and Heero weren't... an item... then it still would be utterly stupid. Heero wouldn't... he'd never... dammit, it was just useless. Hope was useless. Worse, it was painful. Whatever deity made up the emotion hope has been having quite a good laugh at humans' expense.

“Duo... during the war...”

Shit. Definitely something I didn't want to talk about.

Heero firmed his voice and continued. “Were we your gang?”

I stopped breathing.

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Every story unless otherwise claimed is Kayura's, and is copyrighted 2006 under her name.